1. Musical Waves besides the mechanical properties are filled with Fantastic Energy.
Musical Energy it is a Substance consisting of Harmony, Melodies, Rhythmic and the Art Plan sky-born.
2. Environment in which we live is filled with sound waves.
Each Person, an Essence, an Object, an Action, a Word and an Idea have the Vibration
and also they have the Frequency for Transfer of the Information.
In this kind the Information (a wave of vibration) Lives in the Universe Eternally.
3. Some People can tune their own Internal Receiver to the selected Object (audio frequency)
and they can find the General Resounding Contact with this Object.
Everything, what Resonates between us is a positive factor of Coexistence.
Harmony, this is an Agreement between the Spiritual and Art positions.
4. To get in a resonance with the World is the best supreme point of your Spiritual Explosion.
5. Person cans more consciously Enjoy Freedom in the Inner World with the help of the Big Music.
6. Sometimes different people perceive the same work of art differently. It is normal.
Every Person is the individual in the way of his Soul. It's very important to have inside quality Spiritual Content.
7. For being able to estimate Music, you should HEAR HER.
8. The True Music cannot become a Mass Product, as the Mass prefers Standard, well Promoted Product.
(I speak about Music.) Search in Space of Eternal Events, and you will find Satisfaction in Your Soul.
Music of the Civilization is Music of One Person.
9. Music influences Person at a molecular level too.
Ordinary sound fluctuations do not influence the person, only if waves are filled of Combinations of Sense.
Musical waves, it only a way and means for transfer of Imaginative Characters from the Creator
to Consciousness and Soul of Person.
10. Why there is a denying of some music (sounds)? —
Your Heavenly Protection preserves you against penetration into Consciousness
of adverse Energy which creates discomfort for your Spiritual Harmony.
11. Recognition of the intellectual Information, it is very important process.
Therefore some people listen to music automatically, without analysis.
12. People which are able to filter a huge stream of ambiguous music,
(to avoid negative influence) have high parameters of such Precious Qualities
as Spirituality, Morality, and a strong Internal Position.
They are able to Estimate and Love Philosophically the World in which they Live.
Such People, as a rule has the High Spiritual Status, as the Person.
13. To know IT, — it is rather useful. Never and Nowhere you will not find the similar Information
about Mysterious and Unearthly Influence on the Person by Art Imagery of Musical Energy.
14. Energy of Music are positive and negative, kind and malicious.
If the Energy of Music bears aggressive character it is possible to Be Wounded Seriously Spiritually.
15. When Music attacks you or when Music Cures you. Be able to define it.
Know — really there is an Intention of Destruction. But be quiet — there is a Plan of Creation!
Unfortunately, we live between these two opposite Poles.
16. Light Created in the Heart of the Infinite; Somebody’s Unearthly Silhouette,
or Smile of the God are embodied in Mathematics of Music.
All this are an Energy of Universe which travels in Human Souls and Consciousnesses.
17. It is impossible to Cancel Music – More easily to Cancel the World.
18. Music induces you to reflect on True Sense of Things, Actions.
SHE also forms for you Art Construction, Your Unique Individuality.
19. To Think Figuratively, is a Great Advantage of the Person. But!!!
Try to avoid the far-fetched negative thought, persuasive vicious ideas
and seductive transactions with Crafty, which has accepted a similitude with Goodness.
20. If for you Music causes Compassion and Tears, It is the Blessing. — It is a Process of Clarification.
21. Create your personal set of Music, as a set of curative grasses.
You want to be Better! You want to be Purer!
22. In the Contemporary World it is very difficult to find an atmosphere for a Comfortable Condition of Soul.
A lot of Evil has collected in Aura of the World.
(The Silent Indifference; Sham Idols Celebrate; Questionable Ideals; Depreciation of a Human Life;
Blessings of Lying Prophets; etc.)
23. Where to find favorable Space for Contemplation? —
I think, it is a Temple and the Music which has come from Heavens.
24. On our planet is not enough of purest musical Energy.
But people with rich and kind Soul find it, that to be fortified Spiritually and Physically.
25. Divine Mission of Music is capable to Clear Human Trustful Hearts from Sins.
Light and Love will fill Them.
26. In a Life there are Many Roads, and many of them Lead to Emptiness.
But I know One Road which conducts to the Divine Light.
It is Music! Music, which has come from Heaven, does not look for you. — The person finds Music himself.
27. Music should not Carol or Glorify the Real World.
Music supposes the Future, but reminds us of Past and Present.
Every your next action will occur in the Future. Music suggests to you a Movement.
Think of This.
28. Do not go There, where the Cold and Darkness. Go There, where is Warmly and Light.
Go There where Music of your Soul sounds.
29. Music is mathematic art of Universe.
In our world there are not the Teachers which could help Mankind to learn this Science of the Future.
30. The Worthy Person should have the Own Hymn.
31. I dream, maybe Heavens will help me to Create the Hymn for the Planet «Earth». I wait.