TO THE LIGHT (World — Ethno — Pop — Rock — Progressive)
This powerful album is logic continuation of the previous four albums of the project «ASKURA WORLD»:
«From Nowhere», «Enjoy my God», «10 Revelations», «Sight from Russia», Single «You are the King». Be like Music and World will Hears YOU!
SIGHT FROM RUSSIA (World — Ethno — Pop — Progressive)
Our World interesting and beautiful because He is Great and Diverse. The set of cultures, nationalities, ethnoses and religions make the World polyphonic and attractive. Many artists use in the creativity various colour of national cultures. Example for this purpose is Alexander Shkuratov's «ASKURA WORLD» project. Fourth album Askura — «Sight from Russia».
ENJOY MY GOD (World — Ethno — Pop — Meditative)
Main goal of author A. Shkuratov is to conclude in one comfortable atmosphere «ASKURA» all world ethnos on means of modern arrangement and a sound recording. Each composition of the project «ASKURA WORLD» is weaved from elements of world ethnos that gives to compositions unique and rare sounding.

10 REVELATIONS Words of Jesus Christ (World — Ethno - Christian — Rap — Progressive)
This work for A.Shkuratov is the most essential and unique as Alexander feels that him holy duty to present to the world the Divine Words of Jesus Christ. — To give to all people the unique possibility to hear Jesus Words not in church canons, in modern world musical stylistics. It can be by your own musical Bible!
POWER & GLORY (Rock — Techno — Trash — Psyho)
Attention to anyone who likes ROCK-TRASH-TECHNO-PSYHO!!! Crazy Stuff from Russia! The hysterical album filled with unusual energy, psychedelic and other supernatural properties!!! Rare exclusive reactor! This is like Crazy! Ye.. The album clings from the first up to last track! It is an invaluable surprise for fans of the Progressive Rock!

PROJECT I R I S H A (Pop — Ballade — Soul — Funk — R&B)
Russian singer IRISHA. The First premium of the All-Russia competition of young singers. IRISHA — the winner of national contest of the popular radio station «Silver rain». At childhood she loved theatre and music. IRISHA graduated from the musical college at class a piano and musical college of Balakirev’s name on a class of a vocal. She has finished it with honors degree. IRISHA graduated from the State conservatory of M.I.Glinki’s name of an academic vocal’s class and she begins career of the opera singer. IRISHA is universal singer. She sings in a genre of popular music also. IRISHA has recorded a solo album “In Magic of Light“ with the musical producer and the composer Askura Alexander Shkuratov.
PROJECT NASTASYA (R&B — Soul — Rap — Dance — Pop)
Russian singer NASTASYA Nastasya graduated from the Russian Financial Academy of Faculty of the International Economy. She speaks English, French, studies German. One of basic her hobby it is music. She very much likes to sing. NASTASYA has recorded some songs with the musical producer and the composer Askura Alexander Shkuratov.